Welcome To

Cooper Community Development Organization

We are a community of compassionate individuals who have personally witnessed the adversities faced by our fellow members, particularly the urban poor. Our collective experiences have illuminated the profound need for collaboration and concerted efforts to address these challenges and uplift the lives of those residing in our community.
Below are some of our objectives;

Cultivating Strong Interconnections
Socio-Economic Transformation
Nurturing Financial Empowerment
Elevating the Urban Poor
Collaborative Partnerships
Access to Financial Services
Who We Are

Cooper Community Development Organization

We are more than an organization; we are a family bound by a common purpose. With a diverse range of skills, experiences, and backgrounds, our members come together to enact positive change. From advocating for policy shifts to providing access to livelihood and healthcare, our multifaceted approach aims to create comprehensive and enduring transformation. Our core Values are;

  • Unity and Collaboration
  • Empowerment
  • Inclusivity
  • Sustainability
  • Accountability and Transparency

About Us

Cooper Community Development Organization (CCDO) is more than an organization; it's a movement towards positive change, empowerment, and a brighter future for all. Together, we're shaping a community where prosperity and opportunity know no bounds.

Envisioning a Thriving and Inclusive Community where barriers are dismantled, opportunities are accessible to all, and collaborative efforts lead to holistic growth.
To bridge the opportunity gap that exists within our community. We are dedicated to fostering equitable progress by creating pathways to education, empowerment, and sustainable development for all members of our community, especially those facing socio-economic challenges.
To catalyze sustainable change through Development for Prosperity, creating a community where every individual has the opportunity to thrive.

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